Colloquium Presentation: zeta functions and a quadratic enrichment

Kirsten Wickelgren (Duke University)

10-May-2021, 17:00-18:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: The beautiful Weil conjectures connect the Betti numbers of a complex variety whose defining equations can be reduced mod p to the number of solutions mod p. We will discuss these connections, introduce A1-homotopy theory, and an analogue in A1-homotopy theory. The new work in this talk is joint with Margaret Bilu, Wei Ho, Padmavathi Srinivasan, and Isabel Vogt.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Rational Points and Galois Representations

Series comments: Click on the details of each talk/session to find any notes or videos associated with it. Here is an index of available video recordings of sessions.

Organizers: Carl Wang-Erickson*, Netan Dogra*
*contact for this listing

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